The electrical section contains the solid-state proportional temperature controllers and solenoid valves. 电子控制室内有固体线路的比例温度控制器和电磁阀。
At the same time, an analysis of self_adaptive fuzzy control mechanism and gas turbine running procedure were provided, and new fuzzy control rules were proposed based on expertise. Self_adaptive fuzzy proportional integral speed and temperature controllers for heavy_duty gas turbine were presented. 同时通过对模糊自适应控制的原理和燃气轮机运行过程的分析,并结合专家经验得出燃气轮机模糊PI控制规律,设计出了透平转速和燃气轮机排气温度的模糊自适应PI控制器。
The secondary regulator adopts weighting synthesized proportional control based on several proportional controllers. 副调节器采用基于多个简单比例控制器的加权合成比例控制。
Based on the manually operated hydraulic actuated directional control valves, the general solutions to the electro-hydraulic proportional control systems for loader operating devices, the electro-hydraulic proportional pilot control units, the structures and control logic of the programmable controllers were developed in details. 在手动液控多路阀的基础上,对装载机工作装置的电液比例控制系统的总体方案、电液比例先导控制模块、比例控制操纵手柄的结构和控制逻辑进行了研究。
The effects of gyroscope can be taken into consideration in the model of the rotor. The system equations are formulated by combining the equations of the motion of the rotor and the equations of the decentralized PID ( proportional integral differential) controllers. 转子模型中考虑了陀螺效应,结合分散PID(ProportionalIntegralDifferential)控制器方程和转子运动方程,形成系统方程。
In this paper, a new and practical real-time gain-tuning method for proportional plus integral ( PI) controllers has been introduced, using the speed control of a permanent-magnet synchronous motor drive system as a studied object. 本文以永磁同步电动机伺服系统的速度控制系统作为研究对象,系统地介绍了对比例-积分(PI)控制器的增益进行实时校正的调节方法。
Based on the general fuzzy-PID ( Proportional, Integral and Differential) excitation controllers, an excitation controller for synchronous generators is brought forward, whose quotation factors and scale factors are optimized by GA ( Genetic Algorithm). 在常规模糊比例、积分、微分PID(Proportional,IntegralandDifferential)励磁控制器基础之上,提出了一种利用遗传算法优化模糊控制器的量化因子和比例因子的同步发电机励磁控制器。
Further more, proportional component is introduced, the advantages of PID and fuzzy controllers are integrated, and the structure weaknesses of traditional fuzzy controllers are overcome. 并在此基础上,引入了比例环节,综合了PID控制器和模糊控制器的优点,克服了传统模糊控制器结构上的缺陷。
The simulating results indicate that compared with the proportional integral differential controllers, the fuzzy controller has conspicuous advantages in improving dynamical and static performance of pressure and level control system of pressurizer. 仿真结果表明,与传统的比例-积分-微分控制器相比,模糊控制器在提高稳压器压力、水位控制系统的动态和稳态性能方面具有明显的优点。